Right against Exploitation (Articles 23 & 24) - Indian Polity

The Right Against Exploitation is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Indian Constitution under Articles 23 and 24. It safeguards individuals from being forced into labor or situations that undermine their dignity. Here's a breakdown of these articles:

Article 23: Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour

  • This article outlaws two key practices:
    • Human trafficking: This involves the illegal trade of people for forced labor, sexual exploitation, or organ removal.
    • Begar (forced labor): This prohibits any form of compulsion to work without fair wages or under threat of coercion.
  • There's an important exception: The state can impose compulsory service for public purposes, but it cannot discriminate based on religion, race, caste, or class.

Article 24: Prohibition of employment of children in factories, etc.

  • This article specifically protects children by prohibiting their employment in:
    • Factories
    • Mines
    • Any other hazardous work
  • The minimum age limit set is 14 years.
  • This ensures children are not subjected to harsh working conditions that could harm their physical, mental, and social development.

Significance of Right Against Exploitation

  • Protects vulnerable sections of society, particularly children, from exploitation.
  • Promotes human dignity and freedom.
  • Upholds the principles of social justice.

Continual Efforts

While these articles provide a legal framework, child labor and trafficking persist in India. The government and NGOs work together to enforce these rights and create a safer environment for all.


Bhaskar Singh

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